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Conjure up your magical weapon...
Your breath!


Discover that your breath is your greatest asset to slow down, soothe your system & relax.


The breath… often taken for granted, as it was the first thing you did when you came into this world and repeats itself every few seconds (albeit often unconsciously).


The breath… that you always carry with you and that you can use at any time to deal with complaints on a physical, mental, emotional and/or energy level.


The breath… that can help you to walk a different path, increase your consciousness and open the door of your heart.

Together we will conjure up your magical weapon. Together we will discover the gentle power of your breath.


So are you ready to go on a breathing journey together? 


Let's breathe together!

Ademhalingsoefening Downregulation:
voor minder stress & meer ontspanning
Ademhalingsoefening Rocking the cradle: 
voor ontspanning & lekker slapen
Een uur lang Ademontspanning:
It's you-time now!
rocking .png
Ademhalingsoefening 4:4:4:4: 
voor meer focus
Ademhalingsoefening 4:7:8
voor ontspanning
Ademhalingsoefening 4:16:8:4
voor gevorderden (en ontspanning)
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-02-14 om 14.43.54 (2).png

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Liefs Noraly

Breathwork is your magical weapon in the fight against what does not flow well! 


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